I often wonder if there are people in the world that hate music.  I’m sure they exist, I’m also sure that they are in rare form, especially in this information day in age.  How could we live without music, really?  To me, you couldn’t really.  Even without actual beats or instruments, we can use our bodies to make a tune of some sort.  Continue reading “Something about that music.”

I named this specific post because I am literally on the struggle bus right now but I don’t want to give into Mr. Sandman quite yet.   It has occurred to me lately that many people see me as a very positive person who doesn’t dwell on things that go wrong or just always find the positive in the situation that I am.  I find this very funny for many reasons, but I’m very flattered as well.  It’s not every day that someone sees you in a positive light themselves.   Continue reading “Fading Fast.”

So I know it has been an insanely long amount of time since I have caught you up on my life, so here it goes in a few paragraphs.  School ended June 20th after six weeks of utter hell.  It was all worth it though once the class picnic came around and we could relax again…until August.  We became quite the little family over the summer and it makes me look forward to the fall.   Continue reading “Update!”

You know how the song goes, it’s an all time favorite classic for many people but in terms of education and career I often think about the what ifs and the what should have beens.  It is not the fact that I don’t like my program, because in fact, I love it.  It’s the fact that I want to do everything.  I want to be my own little version of superwoman in good old Clearfield County.   Continue reading “Don’t stop believin’”

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As I sit here on the night of my first summer school class, I take the time to think about how truly blessed I am.  There are so many things in my life that I could thank God for at this given moment even though I insist on complaining about the fact that grad school is killing my summer.  There’s so many things that we do not realize are blessings such as things that we take for granted everyday, but it is truly hard to always remember to be thankful for these things especially with how busy the world is today.   Continue reading “No I’m not lucky, I’m blessed, yes.”

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It’s amazing to me how quickly time can fly, and I mean really fly.  To think about how quickly these past 3-4 months have gone, it is truly crazy.  I’ve counseled clients, I’ve finished a class for this semester already, and by Thursday of next week I will be done for the semester only to start right back up again on May 10th with summer classes.

Usually I have themes for my blog, but I’m not really sure that this one has a theme.  It’s just been a really long time since I’ve blogged, and it’s been a really busy past couple weeks.  As I’ve said in the past though, I wouldn’t have it any other way.  Take tonight for instance, I’m sure I could be studying for the exam that I have Monday, but truthfully it wouldn’t do me any good, so blogging and keeping myself busy is the next best thing.

Today I had my first year evaluation.  It went really well.  It is rather intimidating I think to hear that all of the professors got together and talked about each of us and our progress, how we do in class, etc.  Luckily, I’m not getting kicked out (lol), and I got some really nice feedback that was surprising in some aspects, but everything was positive.  Perception is an amazing thing, really.  I think I’ve talked about it a little before, but if you think about it, perception is everything.

Knowing that your perceptions match those of others can give you a really good feeling.  Feeling that I’ve gotten a good fit at Penn State with this program and feeling that I’ve done well is given a whole new spin when your professors are saying the same things.  I just can’t get over the fact that I’m one year into my program.  One year away from a Master’s degree.  One year away from the rest of my life.

Who know’s where I will end up?  That’s another amazing thing to me.  When I first went away to college, it was rough.  Actually, rough is an understatement, but I made it through.  Essentially, I hated Pittsburgh, I loved Pitt, but Pittsburgh was too damn far away from home.  As the semesters and years went on, though, it became more evident to me how awesome Pittsburgh really was.  At the end of my four years there, I didn’t want to leave.

I know after graduation at PA doesn’t have many school counselor jobs opening up…but there is North Carolina, which I am seriously considering because I hate the cold, and though NC has its cold moments, I would love to be closer to a beach and in an area that has a longer spring and summer.  This move would be weird for me, almost crazy really because I am such a homebody.  Not in the fact that I love my hometown, but I love being around people that I know.  Change scares me believe it or not, just the initial thought of it, but at the same time, once I am in the change, I can thrive.  I’m ready to be challenged and I’m super excited to help students in schools.

I thought to myself today, “Why don’t they make a show that is called ’23 with a master’s degree’?”  Because honestly…..16 and pregnant is not really something to be proud of.  I’m not saying that being 23 and not having a master’s degree is bad, I’m just saying that I think successes should be celebrated more when they are good things and for good opportunities.  It’s amazing to me that such a show can get so popular for a girl getting pregnant.  Just a random thought I guess…

Anyway though, I just wanted to blog to touch base and let everyone know that this blog still does exist and that I will for sure be updating more hopefully soon as the semester is over for me in almost a week.  🙂

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If there is one thing that I cannot stand, it is a person that is close-minded.  You cannot go on living life in a little bubble thinking that every thought that conjures in your brain is the correct one.  50 shades of grey is not just some kinky book series, it’s also the variations that occur in a political argument.  Let’s take for instance:  gay marriage. Continue reading “I’m about to go all political….”

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If you’re a counselor or you’ve studied such a thing or have even been to counseling, you might know that one of the tools that a counselor can carry around in their backpack is silence.  If you talk to beginning counselors, I think a lot of them will not like the idea of silence because it is awkward, but it seems to me that in my classes and in all of my training so far it is a tool that seasoned counselors like to use quite often.  From what some of my professors and supervisors have said, they think that it can be a very powerful tool.   Continue reading “Silence….is it really golden?”

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If there is one thing that I’ve had to do lately more than usual, it is to roll with the punches.  As most of my friends know from Facebook or otherwise, I’ve been having a tremendous amount of struggle with reoccurring ear infections.  5 in the past 4 months to be exact.  It has been so frustrating to me over these past 4 months having to deal with doctors that have no other answer for me than to give me more antibiotics.  I’m not dumb, I know that you can only take so many antibiotics before that bacteria can no longer be killed by those same antibiotics.   Continue reading “Roll with the punches..”

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Some call it luck, some all it divine providence, I call it meant to be.  It’s not everyday that things work out the way you want them to especially in quirky ways that seem too good to be true.  That happened to me last night though, and seriously though I know God works in mysterious ways, He showed me yesterday that anything can happen.  You never know what you expect.   Continue reading “It was just meant to be.”

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