Once you become a part of the education world, snow days and 2 hour delays once again become your friends as they were when you were in K-12.  Let’s face it, they existed in college, but they were not nearly as utilized as they should have been most times.  Today, we have a snow day for the cold.  Not something that I remember as much as when I was a youngster, but none the less I got to sleep in today, so that’s a plus. Continue reading ““Snow” Day”

I realized today that it has been a few months since I last posted which is rather unacceptable considering the fact that I don’t have homework like I did in grad school.  It’s amazing how time has flown since that post in August, but really I wouldn’t have it any other way.  My job is amazing.  I can honestly say that it doesn’t feel like work at all because I genuinely enjoy it that much.  The staff and students as well as administration in my building are stellar.  They have a passion for what they do, and it shows.  It makes going to school everyday a lot more enjoyable.   Continue reading “A smile is the best accessory you can wear.”

Yesterday Robin Williams died and unless you’ve been out in the desolate forest, you know that it has caused a lot of uproar from lots of people.  Some angry, mostly sad, and some nostalgic.  I myself see this as a reminder that we are all human.  We all put our pants on one leg at a time, and we are all susceptible to mental illness regardless of the money we make and the prestige that we have.  Robin Williams was a brilliant man.  He could make you laugh and cry in the same movie.  He was actually in a movie about suicide that a lot of people seem to forget.   What Dreams May Come is a movie that I cried at within the first twenty minutes. Continue reading “We are all human, no matter the money we make.”

Well it has almost been two full months since I graduated and I’m at square one with the job search after numerous (I’m talking over 70) applications, 6 interviews, and lots of stressing.  I’m frustrated to say the least.  You know what is most frustrating?  Hearing that I need experience over and over or that I even though I have an excellent background, they gave the position to someone who had more experience than I have.  It’s more frustrating than I ever imagined.   Continue reading “Experience Preferred.”

It’s totally amazing to believe that today was the end of my master’s degree journey at PSU.  I graduated today among over 1,000 people with their master’s degree from Penn State.  I am a master.   Lol.  But really, I can’t even begin to put into words what the past two years have been like but I’m still going to write this post and hope that someone enjoys it.   Continue reading “You just got your Master’s Degree…what are you going to do?”

Soooo here I sit at 1:30am and I am still pretty much wide awake.  I’m in one of my crazy energy modes again, which happens once in a blue moon.  It is a full moon though for reals tonight so maybe that’s the issue.  Anyway, around midnight I went out and swept my car off and shoveled all around the tires not only so I could save myself some time tomorrow but also so I could burn some energy.  I also took a walk around Toftrees for something to do, desperately wishing I had my camera so I could have taken some pictures of the snow even though I have a love/hate relationship with it.   Continue reading “Since I can’t sleep and all.”

New Year’s Eve is often a time when people reflect on the past year and think about what they are going to do in the new year as a result of the past year.  I can honestly say though, that as a whole, 2013 was a good year for me.  I was happy, and even though things are looking up even more as this year comes to a close, things could either get really worse or continue on their path hah.  So what happened this year…let’s rewind. Continue reading “Taking 2013 and rewinding it back.”

If there is one way to get me fired up, it is to talk about the Catholic church in a negative way, especially if you have no information about the Catholic church or the only information you have gained is through the media’s representation.  I’m not saying that’s where this post is going because no one negatively talked about my faith, but I’m saying that religion is something that people debate ALL the time.  It makes people mad, it makes people sad, people kill over it, people do things that they may not normally do, all in the name of whatever they believe in.   Continue reading “Religion can get a little sticky.”

I can’t tell you how many times I have heard the words, “You are so busy.”  Something that always resonates in my head is hearing Rachel Simmons talk at ASCA conference saying that being busy all the time puts you into the curse of the “good girl.”  Maybe that’s me, the person that can’t turn something good down, maybe I’m that person, and most of the time I don’t mind it.  But today, today, I’m stressed. Continue reading “This busy, busy life we lead.”

So I know that the phrase YOLO is totally overused and now it’s basically cliche to say it, but I found myself saying it a lot in the past 24 hours.  This is because my dad and I became a part of the skydive club, we did it.  Today at Mifflin County Airport, my dad and I did tandem jumps at Skydive Happy Valley.  It was amazing.  I figured this was the perfect time to blog again considering the circumstances, especially since I lived to tell the tale and all.   Continue reading “You only live once. That’s it.”